Columnea Care Guide – (Goldfish Plants)

columnea care guide goldfish plants

Columnea plants, usually of hanging habit, are very popular for their cultivation as houseplants. They are very decorative and eye-catching, especially because of their brightly colored flowers. If you want to know how to take care of the Columnea to have it at home, do not go away and keep reading this article where we

The National Flower of Ecuador – Chuquiraga jussieui

the national flower of ecuador

Chuquiraga jussieui is considered the National Flower of Ecuador, is a native species that grows naturally in moorland and volcanic areas of the Andes region in South America. The national flower of Ecuador is a perennial plant, in addition to its proven medicinal properties, which we will talk about later. The Ecuador national flower is

How To Grow Carnations – Different Ways

how to grow carnations different ways

This article is intended to be a guide on the process of how to grow carnations. Carnation is a plant that comes to be considered easy to grow. They can grow from 7” to 9” (18 to 24 cm) in height, depending on the variety used, and are capable of producing an exquisite spicy clove

Care of Columbine Plant – Guide

columbine plant care guide

Aquilegia vulgaris, commonly known as Columbine, is a graceful herbaceous plant that flowers in spring with striking flowers of many different colors. Its cultivation is not complicated, but certain factors must be met to grow happy, in the garden or pots, and give us many joys. Learn all about Care of Columbine Plant in this

Repot Orchid While Flowering Step by Step

repot orchid while flowering step by step

Orchids are some of the most elegant plants that are usually kept inside the home. But for them to grow well it is necessary that we change their pots from time to time, so on this occasion, I will tell you about repot orchid while flowering Finally, if we have just bought our orchid and

How to Repot Orchid Step by Step

how to repot orchid

When repotting an orchid, it is necessary to have a couple of basic skills to make the process successful. We are going to teach you how to repot orchid correctly, how and when to do it, the materials to use, and the steps. In addition, in this article, you will also learn the steps to

How to Grow Roses from Cuttings – High Success Rate

How to Propagate Roses from Cuttings Some plants like roses are very easy to propagate. Here are the tips for how to grow roses from cuttings using 3 different methods: propagation on soil, on water, and on a potato. How to Grow Roses from Cuttings Step by Step Follow carefully the following steps to learn

How To Plant Tulip Bulbs Step by Step

Learn the ABC of Planting Tulip Bulbs When to Plant Bulbs By the end of summer and with the first chills of autumn, the weather kicks off to start planting bulbs that will bloom next spring and summer. Although the cultivation of tulip bulbs flowers can easily take place outdoors, the easy development of bulbs

Care for Poinsettias – Watering for Poinsettias

poinsettia potted pot container

Care for Poinsettias Poinsettia also called the Christmas flower, is widespread throughout the Americas and can be grown as a shrub in gardens, or as an indoor plant. Its main attraction is the striking red, pink, white or yellowish bracts that adorn the top, and which are often confused with flowers. Learn all about How