How and When to Harvest Cinderella Pumpkins

how and when to harvest cinderella pumpkins

Cinderella pumpkins are also known by the name Rouge Vif d’Etampes, these pumpkins are very beautiful to decorate and also tasty to eat.  These pumpkins are named for their resemblance to the pumpkin in the fairy tale “Cinderella”. Learn all about how and when to harvest Cinderella pumpkins in this article. Cinderella pumpkins originate from

How and When to Harvest Long Island Cheese Pumpkin

how and when to harvest long island cheese pumpkin

Long Island cheese pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) looks like an artisan cheese wheel and has this particular name. This variety of pumpkins grows to weigh between 6 and 10 pounds (2.8 to 4.5 kg). Long Island Cheese pumpkin days to maturity are about 100 to 110 days from planting the seeds, depending on the growing conditions.

When to Harvest Delicata Squash

when to harvest delicata squash guide

Delicata squash has a buttery flavor that makes it exquisite for many dishes. This variety of squash grows well in USDA zones 2 to 11. Delicata squash is not a difficult squash variety to grow, but the fruits should be observed well to know the correct harvest time. Learn all about when to harvest delicata

When to Harvest Patty Pan Squash

when to harvest pattypan squash pick

Patty pan or Pattypan squash is a very popular and tasty summer squash. Patty pan squash is also known as scallop squash or sunburst squash. Gardeners should pick Patty pan when they are still young and tender for the best flavor and texture. This variety of summer squash grows very well in USDA zones 2

Do Blueberries Have Seeds?

do blueberries have seeds guide

Many people like to eat blueberries or drink blueberry juice. But also, a lot of people wonder, Do blueberries have seeds? The short answer is YES, blueberries have seeds. In this article, I will provide information about blueberries seeds and also how to grow blueberries from seeds. There are two types of blueberry plants, lowbush

When Should I Prune a Butterfly Bush and How (Buddleja davidii)

Buddleja davidii or butterfly bush blooms throughout the summer and part of the fall on the branches that are born in the same year, from spring. In this article, we will explain When Should I Prune a Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii) and How to do it, to maintain abundant flowering in spring and summer and

What Plants Not to Use Neem Oil On

what plants not to use neem oil on guide

I have been using neem oil for many years to kill and treat pests on plants in my garden. This oil is an ecological and environmentally safe product, but you must know how to use neem oil because not all plants tolerate neem oil well. That’s why I created this article to let you know

How to Harvest Dill Without Killing the Plant

how to harvest dill without killing the plant

Dill is a well-known herb used in several areas besides the culinary one since it is also used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Dill is very easy to grow and has a fast growth rate. However, when harvesting dill, cutting the herb without harming the plant is best. Harvesting dill properly allows you to

When to Harvest Cucumbers (Boston Pickling Cucumbers, Straight Eight, Armenian, Lemon, Spacemaster, Pickling Northern)

when to harvest cucumbers Boston Pickling Cucumbers, Straight Eight, Armenian, Lemon, Spacemaster, Pickling Northern

Determining when to harvest cucumbers can be challenging because harvest time depends on cucumber variety or heirloom, temperature, and sunshine hours. So, as we will see in this article, determining when to harvest cucumbers in Texas, Missouri, Florida, or Maryland will occur at different times, even if it is the same variety as Boston Pickling

How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds (Video)

how to harvest sunflower seeds

Sunflower Harvest Seeds. After approximately 45 to 60 days from sowing, the sunflower will be in bloom and reaches maturity at about 120 days. Flowering lasts for about 1 month and during that time it will be constantly visited by pollinating insects and producing the highly prized sunflower seeds. In this article, I show you