How to Grow Roses from Cuttings – High Success Rate

How to Propagate Roses from Cuttings Some plants like roses are very easy to propagate. Here are the tips for how to grow roses from cuttings using 3 different methods: propagation on soil, on water, and on a potato. How to Grow Roses from Cuttings Step by Step Follow carefully the following steps to learn

How to Grow Dahlias

Dahlias: How to Plant, Grow and Care Dahlias are among the flowers that require the least maintenance. Dahlias have the highest production of cut flowers and garden plants that can grow. In a good year, they bloom in the late June and early December season (fall or the beginning of winter), especially if given proper

How To Plant Tulip Bulbs Step by Step

Learn the ABC of Planting Tulip Bulbs When to Plant Bulbs By the end of summer and with the first chills of autumn, the weather kicks off to start planting bulbs that will bloom next spring and summer. Although the cultivation of tulip bulbs flowers can easily take place outdoors, the easy development of bulbs

Best Patio Heaters 2022 – Ultimate Guide

best patio heaters

Outside and Patio Heaters Patio heaters provide a warm environment outdoors during the colder months. Learn about heat efficiency and types of outdoor heaters, benefits, and advantages. Know the best Patio Heaters 2022 in this article. If you’re looking for outdoor heaters to keep your winter warm, you need to be sure that the device

How to Propagate String of Dolphins

string of dolphins succulent

String of Dolphins Propagation Learning the String of Dolphins propagation is a simple and cost-effective way to grow your collection without spending a lot of money. In this article, we explain everything about how to propagate String of Dolphins succulent plant through the 2 essential methods of propagation. The String of Dolphins plant is an

Propagating Succulents from Leaves & Cuttings

how to reproduce succulents from cuttings leaves stem and in water

No matter how expert or inexperienced you are in growing succulent plants, this article will guide you step-by-step for propagating succulents from leaves and by cuttings. Propagating Succulents from Leaves and by Cuttings: Step-by-Step This process of reproducing succulents from leaves (fallen or plucked) and cuttings is known as propagation. These two are not the

Succulent Propagation – The Ultimate Guide

lotus echeveria succulents

How to Propagate Succulents Step by Step Learning to propagate your succulent plants is a simple and cost-effective way to grow your collection without spending a lot of money. In this article, we explain how to propagate succulents through the 3 essential types of propagation. Learn everything about Succulent Propagation. How to plant succulents from

Feng Shui Plant Placement: Strategic Allies

feng shui zen

Boost your positive energy and wealth by knowing what plants are the best for the Feng Shui discipline and which ones you should get rid of right now!. Learn all about Feng Shui plant placement in this article. Also, I share how to balance the energy by correctly placing Feng Shui plants at home, in

Best Plants for Kitchen Ultimate Guide

kitchen plants

Besides the kitchen should be a practical and functional place, we need the kitchen to be a welcoming place. The kitchen is a meeting point, a meeting place for family and friends where share daily stories and prepare new dishes as a gratifying activity for many. Kitchen plants are key to transform and create a