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How to Propagate String of Dolphins

String of Dolphins Propagation

Learning the String of Dolphins propagation is a simple and cost-effective way to grow your collection without spending a lot of money. In this article, we explain everything about how to propagate String of Dolphins succulent plant through the 2 essential methods of propagation.

The String of Dolphins plant is an expensive succulent plant that you don’t see very often. So if you see one in a friend’s house, on the street, or in the shop, don’t hesitate to buy it or borrow a small branch with the leaves of this succulent plant. Our readers often write to us and ask us “Can you propagate String of Dolphins?”, “Can you propagate String of Dolphins from a leaf?” Yes, you can. And in fact, in this article, we are going to explain all the tips and secrets for you to learn how to propagate String of Dolphins.

And I’ll tell you more, not only will you learn how to propagate String of Dolphins, but you will also learn plant propagation ideas in general, and succulents, in particular, that will encourage you to jump into the world of succulents and gardening.

Propagating plants and seeing the success when we propagate plants with our hands brings a feeling of great satisfaction. So we invite you to read carefully this article that we have prepared for you, and updated it with feedback from our gardening readers.

string of dolphins succulent
“Can you propagate String of Dolphins from a leaf?” Yes, you can. Learn How to propagate String of Dolphins – The two basic methods for String of Dolphins propagation are: through leaf cuttings (or whole leaves), and by cutting off pieces of stems or branches of the plant. In this article, we will describe two methods for propagating String of Dolphins succulent plants and you will decide which method you would like to try!

Let’s start at the beginning by understanding what plant propagation means and what are the 2 methods for String of Dolphins propagation.

The meaning of “succulent plant propagation” is the act of taking one part or piece of an adult succulent plant and using that piece to grow a new plant.

The two basic methods for String of Dolphins propagation are: by using the scions (seedlings) that grow at the base of some species, through leaf cuttings (or whole leaves), and by cutting off pieces of stems or branches of the plant.

Succulent propagation is relatively easy. However, the String of Dolphins propagation is more difficult to propagate than others.

Take a look at the 2 basic methods for propagating String of Dolphins plants to decide which method you would like to try!

string of dolphins succulent plant how to propagate string of dolphins string of dolphins propagation propagating String of Dolphins Can you propagate String of Dolphins
How to Propagate String of Dolphins from Leaves and Propagating String of Dolphins by Cuttings

How to Propagate String of Dolphins from Leaves

Let’s review first How to Propagate String of Dolphins from Leaves. Propagation from whole leaves or leaf cuttings consists of pulling or cutting a lively and healthy leaf from a mature succulent String of Dolphins plant and using it to grow a “new” young replacement plant.

This method of propagation works well with String of Dolphins that have thick, fleshy leaves because the leaves are easy to tug off cleanly.

Step-by-Step How to Propagate String of Dolphins from Leaves. This is the process:

Firstly, with a sterile knife (disinfected prior to using alcohol), you ought to remove a healthy leaf from the bottom of the plant, ensuring you pull out an entire leaf without damaging it or leaving a bit stuck to the stem.

How to Propagate String of Dolphins from Leaves

Once removed, let the leaf heal the wound by placing it in a place where it receives indirect light for two or 3 days.

Once the leaf has made “callus”, prepare a good tray or pot with a mix of soil for cactus and succulents, wet the soil, and place the leaf on top of the soil without burying it, just leaving it on top.

After that, use a bottle with a sprayer to spray the leaves when the soil is dry make certain to stay the leaves in a warm place with much bright light. Shouldn’t be the direct sun. They have to be kept moist and warm.

In about three or four weeks, small roots and leaves will begin to sprout!

It can take a couple of months before a String of Dolphins becomes large enough to be transplanted into its final pot. Be patient and let time go by to have a new plant with strong roots before transplanting it.

propagating string of dolphins propagation
Once the String of Dolphins is propagated, When’s the Time to Transfer String of Dolphins seedling into a New Pot? and How to Care for? Let’s continue reading this article.

When’s the Time to Transfer String of Dolphins seedling into a New Pot?

When’s the Time to Transfer String of Dolphins seedling into a New Pot? You’ll know it is time to transplant it because the “mother” leaf will turn brown and fall off.

This suggests that the succulent has taken all the nutrients from the leaf and does not need them. A new String of Dolphins arises!

Propagating String of Dolphins by Cuttings

Propagating String of Dolphins by Cuttings. Stem cut propagation works best with plants that have “branches” or rosette-shaped succulents of String of Dolphins that have grown an extended stem.

In the following paragraphs, let’s talk about How to Propagate String of Dolphins through cuttings and regrow a new succulent plant.

This process is most successful if done when the succulent is close to beginning its active growing period, either at the top of a dormant period (usually winter months) or at the start of a growing period (usually spring months) to offer the succulent the simplest chance of survival.

To make a correct cut of the String of Dolphins with branches, you’ll need a sterile knife or sharp scissors. Do not forget to always disinfect your tools before cutting plants. This is valid for any plant, whether you are lightly trimming, or pruning, and especially important if you are looking to propagate leaves and branches.

Keep in mind that the portion of the plant you are looking to regrow will be subjected to a stressful situation until it adapts to the new living conditions and grows roots. An infection at this time may prevent the success of our propagation.

Choose a String of Dolphins stem that’s relatively short to make sure that it’s active and growing. Hold the stem as on the brink of the bottom as possible, and use the knife or scissors to form a clean cut.

string of dolphins succulent how to Propagate String of Dolphins propagation
How to Propagate String of Dolphins through cuttings and regrow a new succulent plant. Choose a String of Dolphins stem that’s relatively short to make sure that it’s active and growing. Hold the stem as on the brink of the bottom as possible, and use the disinfected knife or scissors to form a clean cut. The branch will be got to heal for about four days before it is often replanted.

If the cutting is broken during the method, you’ll probably need a replacement cut. The branch will be got to heal for about four days before it is often replanted.

Unlike leaf reproduction, the String of Dolphins cutting should be placed directly into a pot with cactus and succulent substrate. It’s not necessary to bury it deeply, just make a hole and place the stem inside.

Water the cuttings slightly once every week (just enough to wet the soil surface), for 3 to five weeks. It should receive many indirect lights.

Rosette-shaped succulents of the String of Dolphins can also be propagated with stem cuttings once they start to grow an extended stem. This usually happens once they’re old plants or once they receive little light. The plant tries to succeed in the sunshine creating this extended stem.

Remember, it always takes a little time at first to get things to work out the way you want them to. So, be patient. The more you practice, the more likely you are to succeed.

succulents cuttings water stem string of dolphins propagation

String of Dolphins Care and Propagation from Seeds

There is another way to grow String of Dolphins plant without using a mother plant that provides the leaves or branches from which a new plant will regrow. It is a way to propagate this succulent plant in a much slower way and requires a lot of care. You may be interested in reading about how to propagate String of Dolphins from seeds.

Now that you are growing your new String of Dolphins plant, we recommend you to read our String of Dolphins care guide.

flower string of dolphins
String of Dolphins Flower

Where to Buy String of Dolphins Plant?

Where to Buy String of Dolphins Plant? If you still don’t have your String of Dolphins or you didn’t get the cuttings, these are the sellers we recommend you to buy your String of Dolphins and start propagating it yourself.

About Julia Morgan

Julia Morgan is an agronomist and a master gardener. In her previous roles, Julia was an advisor promoting large-scale food growing in urbanized areas, introducing the concept of chemical-free produce. She is an expert in putting her hands in the soil, developing organic foods, and improving production processes for decades. Julia is a natural teacher and encourages every person in her way to grow their own food. She split her days between writing and reviewing for The Garden Style Website and offering assessments to cure edible land. Julia enjoys connecting with The Garden Style Community.

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