How to Propagate a Prayer Plant – Guide

how to propagate a prayer plant guide

The prayer plant is a plant highly valued for its foliage, which is found in a wide range of colors and patterns. It is also known for its habit of folding its leaves to keep them together at nightfall. One of the most popular species is Maranta leuconeura, which is grown indoors. Learn all about

Ideas for Vertical Wall Gardens

Looking for vertical wall garden ideas around the world? Whether indoors or outdoors, on building walls or inside the home, vertical wall garden provide different benefits. Here some ideas for vertical wall garden around the world. Ideas to turn any wall into a real “park” by creating a vertical wall garden. In the absence of

Feng Shui Plant Placement: Strategic Allies

feng shui zen

Boost your positive energy and wealth by knowing what plants are the best for the Feng Shui discipline and which ones you should get rid of right now!. Learn all about Feng Shui plant placement in this article. Also, I share how to balance the energy by correctly placing Feng Shui plants at home, in

Best Plants for Kitchen Ultimate Guide

kitchen plants

Besides the kitchen should be a practical and functional place, we need the kitchen to be a welcoming place. The kitchen is a meeting point, a meeting place for family and friends where share daily stories and prepare new dishes as a gratifying activity for many. Kitchen plants are key to transform and create a

How to Grow Lavender in a Pot from Seed


Lavender is a whole genus of plants that includes about 60 species and belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It is a perennial shrub and an aromatic plant very popular both for its pleasant smell, used in all kinds of products and perfumes, and for its characteristic violet or lilac color. If you also like this

Vertical Gardening Systems: How to Build a Green Wall

Vertical Gardening Systems The first step in building a vertical garden is to understand what commercial systems we have available commercially. Advantages and disadvantages. Then we must analyze what type of environmental conditions will apply to this green wall, indoor, outdoor, light, shade, etc. In this way, we will choose the appropriate plant species. Join