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Lucky Bamboo Plant Care – Dracaena braunii Care

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Today we will talk all about Lucky bamboo plant care. This Lucky bamboo plant is also known by its scientific name, Dracaena braunii. In this article, we tell you everything about Dracaena braunii Care. Many of our readers are eager to learn more about this plant because it is a Feng Shui allied plant, and it is one of the features that has made Dracaena braunii popular. Let’s start reviewing Lucky Bamboo Plant Care – Dracaena braunii Care in this complete guide.

Lucky Bamboo Care

The Lucky bamboo plant is named because of the shape of its stem, similar to that of bamboo.

Dracaena braunii is a plant of African origin, specifically from Cameroon, very easy to grow and plant, either in water, in pots, or in soil.

Dracaena braunii is a houseplant perfect to decorate the interior of your home and also requires minimal maintenance. Although it is common to keep Dracaena braunii in water, contrary to popular belief, it does best will grow better if planted in a pot or in the ground.

Lucky bamboo, whose scientific name is Dracaena braunii or Dracaena sanderiana, belongs to the lily family.

It consists of a straight cane, which can measure between 4″ and 4.5 ft (10 cm and 1.5 m) with nodes, from which the shoots come out, and internodes, where the roots grow. Its width can be between 06″ and 1.6″ (1.5 and 4 cm) at the base. Its leaves are elongated and of intense green color. It is a fast-growing indoor plant.

It also harbors a lot of symbolism related to the Feng Shui influence. For example, in China, it is given as a gift for luck and good fortune, when starting a business, a birth, a wedding, or when acquiring a new home.

lucky bamboo dracaena braunii care
Lucky Bamboo Plant Care – Dracaena braunii Care – Although it is common to keep Dracaena braunii in water, contrary to popular belief, it does best will grow better if planted in a pot or in the ground.

Lucky Bamboo Care – Light

Lucky Bamboo Care – Light. Dracaena braunii is the perfect plant for the office or home interior on a desk. Because it doesn’t need to be close to any window, only the brightness of a room or a bedside table can be used.

Lucky bamboo does not need long hours of light, as too much will cause the leaves to yellow and may even kill the plant. So it is best if it does not get direct sunlight.

Dracaena braunii Leaves Turning Yellow

Dracaena braunii leaves turning yellow. Too much light can cause Dracaena braunii leaves to turn yellow. It is important to keep in mind that for the Dracaena braunii care there is no direct sun exposure, nor prolonged hours of light exposure because it will cause Lucky bamboo leaves to turn yellow.

Why is my Lucky Bamboo Turning Yellow?

Why is my Lucky Bamboo Turning Yellow? Leaf margins that are yellow or brown can be caused by excessive exposure to direct sunlight, excessive root production, or high water fluoride or chlorine content, the latter of which can be avoided by placing tap water outdoors for a day before using it for the plant.

Lucky bamboo leaves can turn yellow or brown from too much exposure to direct sunlight.

Another problem that can cause Lucky bamboo leaves turning yellow is when the water has too much chlorine. We can avoid this by watering with rainwater or leaving the tap water outdoors for a day so that the chlorine in the water eliminates itself.

Growing Lucky Bamboo & Dracaena braunii Care

When Lucky Bamboo is living in water there may be a nutrient deficiency. It is therefore advisable to transfer Dracaena braunii to soil after some time of living in water.

Growing Dracaena braunii. It is best to move the Lucky bamboo from water to soil as the roots turn brown. Although it can be kept in water, the stem may eventually rot.

Dracaena braunii Care. You can plant it in a pot and place it indoors or in the garden if the climate in your area is mild. Plant it in the universal substrate with a little fertilizer.

lucky bamboo house Dracaena braunii Care
When Lucky Bamboo is living in water there may be a nutrient deficiency. It is therefore advisable to transfer Dracaena braunii to the soil after some time of living in the water. It is best to move the Lucky bamboo from water to soil as the roots turn brown. Although it can be kept in water, the stem may eventually rot.

Dracaena braunii Care – Lucky Bamboo Watering

Dracaena braunii Care – Lucky Bamboo Watering. Lucky bamboos are aquatic plants and prefer filtered water or rainwater .

If you have Lucky bamboo in water, make sure the roots are completely submerged. They can also be planted in aquariums or fish tanks, benefiting from the ions and vitamins present in the dirty water.

However, the shoots need to grow above the surface of the water, or else they will rot. If you have your Dracaena braunii Lucky bamboo in the soil, beware of waterlogging, which can cause root rot. Water Dracaena braunii when you see that the top layer of the substrate is dry or semi-dry.

Lucky Bamboo Plant Care: Temperature

Lucky Bamboo Plant Care: Temperature. This plant thrives well in temperatures between 59 and 90°F (15 and 32 °C), which makes it ideal for decorating your home as a houseplant, although it should be avoided near sources of heat or cold, such as heating or air conditioning.

lucky bamboo kitchen dracaena braunii care
Dracaena braunii Care. The Lucky bamboo thrives well in temperatures between 59 and 90°F (15 and 32 °C). That’s why this plant is ideal for decorating your home as a houseplant. Just be sure to move it away from sources of heat or cold, such as heating or air conditioning.

Dracaena braunii Care – Diseases and Pests

Dracaena braunii Care – Diseases and Pests. Mealybugs and fungal leaf spots are the most frequent problems of Lucky Bamboo. A good way to eliminate mealybugs is by hand with alcohol and the fungi with fungicide. Lucky bamboo is not a plant that has major problems with pests and diseases, and it should be easy to care if you follow our tips.

Lucky Bamboo Toxic

As many other members of the Agavaceae family, Lucky Bamboo is toxic to cats. You must be careful that your cat does not eat Dracaena braunii, according the ASPCA.

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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