How to Grow Watercress – Step by Step

watercress potted

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a strong tasting vegetable, ideal to be planted in the humid and shady corners of the garden. Can be kept both at home and outdoors, so you will only need a small pot and substrate for optimal development. Learn all about how to grow watercress. How to Grow Watercress: Sowing Watercress

How to Grow Celery – Step by Step

organic celery

Celery is a vegetable of Mediterranean origin, it is well known for its low-calorie content, its help in reducing body weight and cholesterol levels. It also contains vitamin A and K, potassium, and antioxidants. Learn how to grow celery, its care, and properties. Celery is one of the main vegetables to contain pesticide residues. This

How to Grow an Avocado from Seed Step by Step

avocado seeds

The avocado is a wonderful fruit that we can find almost all year round in the market. This fruit is native to Mexico and Central America is well known for its flavor and nutrition. The benefits and characteristics that the avocado provides go beyond its delicious flavor. It contains vitamin E that helps delay aging,

How to Take Care Venus Fly Trap – Guide

flytrap plant

Dionaea muscipula, better known as Venus fly trap, is native to North Carolina (USA), is the best known and preferred by people. With good care, it can live for many years. In this guide, we will explain all about how to take care of Venus fly trap plants. Their traps close and open 3 to

How to Grow Buttercrunch Lettuce

buttercrunch lettuce

Growing Buttercrunch Lettuce Growing Buttercrunch Lettuce can be very rewarding, as it always is when our garden fills our soul with delicious and healthy vegetables that we grow with our hands. This plant is tremendously used at a culinary level in most cultures. In this article, we explain how to grow Buttercrunch lettuce from seed

How to Grow Cucumbers – Ultimate Guide

how to grow cucumbers ultimate guide

The cucumber, Cucumis sativus, is the fruit of a fruiting vegetable of the same name, belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, like watermelon, melon, and zucchini. Learn all about how to grow cucumbers step by step in this article. It has a productivity of 55 lbs. (25 kg) per square meter, which makes it the most

Feng Shui Plant Placement: Strategic Allies

feng shui zen

Boost your positive energy and wealth by knowing what plants are the best for the Feng Shui discipline and which ones you should get rid of right now!. Learn all about Feng Shui plant placement in this article. Also, I share how to balance the energy by correctly placing Feng Shui plants at home, in