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How to Grow Cilantro in Water – No Soil Required

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Growing Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L) is not an easy task, as it is a bit tricky to get cilantro to grow in some types of soil. That’s why, in this article, we will explain how to grow cilantro in water. You will see that growing cilantro in water is the best way to grow and regrow cilantro easily. Also, I have included a few tips for harvesting cilantro successfully.

Check out this video and see How to Grow Cilantro in Water and Regrow Cilantro.

Growing Cilantro in Water

To grow cilantro from seeds, there are two methods to do it: in the soil and water. Below, we are going to tell you step-by-step how to grow cilantro in water. Also, if you are interested in growing cilantro in the soil, we recommend our article about how to grow cilantro from seeds.

You will need the following materials to grow cilantro in water:

  • Strainer or colander
  • Paper napkins
  • Container
  • Water
  • Cilantro seeds
Sow Right Seeds - Cilantro Seeds for Planting - Non-GMO Heirloom Packet with Instructions to Grow a Kitchen Herb Garden - Great Addition to Your Cooking - Make Coriander Seasoning - Zesty Herb (1)
  • Beautiful - Full color packet of Cilantro (Coriandrum Sativum), one of the most popular culinary herbs. Give the gift of a kitchen herb garden to your gardening friend. Can easily be grown indoors or outdoors. Minimum of 2g of seed (about 150 seeds).
  • Productive - Cilantro germinates in 7-10 days when soil temps are 55-68°F. Plant 1/2” deep and space 8” apart in an area with full sun. This variety will grow 1-2’ tall with a spread of 1’. This variety will mature in 55-75 days, plant in USDA Zones 2-11.
  • Fresh Cilantro on Hand - The smell and taste of fresh herbs is amazing. Use fresh cilantro to add its distinctive flavor to your salsa, tacos, rice and beans, asian stir-fry, and so much more. Your food will look and taste gourmet.

How to Grow Cilantro in Water Step by Step

So, to the recurring question from our readers, can cilantro grow in water? Yes, it is possible to grow cilantro in water easily at home. The simple method that we propose in this article would be something like a home hydroponic cilantro gardening, easy to have in your kitchen, without anything sophisticated, without hydroponic pumps, a very homemade method.

Once we have all the necessary materials to grow cilantro in water, we will follow these steps:

  1. The first thing we must do to grow cilantro in water is to get quality seeds. For that, we recommend using organic seeds.
  2. Place one or two paper napkins inside the colander.
  3. Now, add the cilantro seeds to the paper napkin.
  4. To grow coriander in water, place another paper napkin over the seeds and moisten it.
  5. Fill half of the container with water, and then place the colander with the cilantro seeds inside the container.
  6. To grow cilantro in the water, we will need light, so we will place that container in an area where it receives light for an amount of 4 to 6 hours a day.

In a few days, you will see how cilantro begins to grow in water. After a month, you will have beautiful cilantro plants. As an extra tip, I recommend changing the cilantro water every week. Besides paper napkins, you can use cotton to grow Coriander in water.

This method is based on hydroponic cultivation. If you are interested in knowing more about hydroponic cultivation, we recommend our article about How to Build a Hydroponic Garden Step by step.

how to grow cilantro in water step by step
Can Cilantro Grow in Water? Yes, you can grow cilantro in water easily in your kitchen. How to Grow Coriander in Water? It is straightforward to grow Coriander in water. Just follow our advice.

When to Grow Cilantro in Water?

When to Grow Cilantro in Water? We can grow cilantro in water all year round as long as our water container is indoors.

If we want to grow cilantro in water in the garden, we must make sure that the frost has passed, so the best time to grow cilantro will be in spring and summer.

How Tall Does Coriander Grow?

How Tall Does Coriander Grow? Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.) is a widely consumed annual aromatic plant of the Apiaceae family, which grows between 30 and 70 cm in height.

Does Cilantro Regrow After Cutting?

Does Cilantro Regrow After Cutting? Yes, cilantro regrows. Cilantro always grows back after cutting it.

How to regrow cilantro? To regrow cilantro, you must cut a little of a part of the plant on the top and let it grow.

The ideal is to have several cilantro plants to give them time to regrow after cutting them.

does cilantro regrow after cutting regrow cilantro
Does Cilantro Regrow After Cutting? Regrow cilantro easily. You will have Cilantro many times with one plant. How to regrow cilantro? To regrow cilantro, you must cut a little of a part of the plant on the top and let it grow.

Can Coriander Grow in Shade?

Can Coriander Grow in Shade? Put the pot or container of cilantro in a sunny spot. Cilantro needs a lot of sun to grow, so put it in a window so that it enjoys as much sunlight as possible.

Most Common Problems When Growing Cilantro in Water

Growing cilantro in water is not difficult, but it has specific requirements:

  • Cilantro needs at least 4 hours of direct light and a warm temperature, which is not a difficulty but a significant factor to consider. Be careful with temperatures, as it is susceptible to temperature drops and frosts. Solution: Place the container where you are growing cilantro in water in a warm area of your house or garden. Try not to let the water get too cold.
  • Coriander flowers too quickly. Cilantro starts to flower when it doesn’t find the conditions entirely favorable, and at that point, it no longer tastes suitable for consumption. Solution: Stagger the sowing (sow a couple of seeds every two or three weeks) so we will always have a couple of cilantro plants.
common problems when cilantro growing in water
Cilantro needs plenty of daylight hours to grow properly.

Can You Grow Cilantro in Water

Can You Grow Cilantro in Water? Of course, you can grow cilantro in water, as explained in the previous paragraphs. To grow cilantro or coriander in the water, you should use quality seeds and a filter to place the coriander seeds in the water.

Can Coriander Grow in Water

Can Coriander Grow in Water? Many people ask us if coriander can grow in water, and the answer is YES!!!. Coriander is the same as cilantro. It is the same plant but can be said in different ways. The scientific name for Cilantro or Coriander is Coriandrum sativum.

The word “Cilantro” is Spanish for “Coriander,” although it is known by both names all over the world.

Benefits of Cilantro

Benefits Of Cilantro. Cilantro is a plant that has many benefits, and they are the following:

  • Cilantro content in different essential oils, mainly linalool, gives it antispasmodic and antihistamine properties.
  • Contains vitamins A, K, C, and B2.
  • The high content of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Cilantro is very beneficial for the digestive system since it stimulates the appetite, favors the secretion of gastric juices, helps to eliminate gases, and facilitates digestion.
  • Coriander helps in the reduction of cholesterol.

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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