Home » Cacti and Succulents » Adromischus cristatus Crinkle Leaf Plant – Care Guide

Adromischus cristatus Crinkle Leaf Plant – Care Guide

The Adromischus genera (Crassulaceae family) include numerous species that have distinctive leaves, like Adromischus cooperi, often with purple spots and a curiously wavy margin. The genus Adromischus includes about thirty species and the name is derived from the Greek “adros” (abundant) and “mischòis” (stem).  They have very fleshy oval leaves that are light green or gray-green in color and have a wavy outer edge. Adromischus cristatus known as the Crinkle Leaf Plant (and key lime pie succulent plant) is one of the easiest species to grow and take care of.

In this article, you will find tips for Adromischus cristatus care and propagation.

key lime pie succulent plant Adromischus cristatus care crinkle Leaf Plant propagation
Adromischus cristatus known as the Crinkle Leaf Plant and key lime pie succulent plant, is one of the easiest species to grow and take care of. In this article, you will find tips for Adromischus cristatus care and propagation. In the picture, the variety Adromischus cristatus v. zeyheri, which is distinguished from other varieties by the presence of hairs on the leaves.

Adromischus cristatus is suitable even for those who do not have a “green thumb” since it tolerates any cultivation errors, fatal, on the other hand, for other varieties.

This succulent plant has tubular white flowers with reddish spots, and flowering is enhanced by bright light. The leaves are fleshy and slightly wavy, and varieties of Adromischus cristatus differ from each other according to the shade of green. They generally range from dark green to yellow-green as in the case of the variety of Adromischus cristatus v. zeyheri, which is distinguished from other varieties by the presence of hairs on the leaves (see picture above), which, in this case, sleep flattened and not stripped.

Adromischus cristatus Care

Adromischus cristatus Care. Adromischus cristatus is often attacked by a fungus that dries and drops leaves and it is advisable to burn the affected ones.

Crinkle Leaf PlantSubstrate for Adromischus cristatus. Porous and well-drained soil is preferred, and sandy soils are acceptable.

Adromischus cristatus Care – Lighting

Adromischus cristatus Care – Lighting and Temperature. A sunny windowsill is often the place to start a collection of succulents. Adromischus cristatus adapts well to extremely unnatural lighting conditions, drafts, and temperature changes.

However, it is inadvisable to store them above radiators. They can be moved outdoors in summer but should be placed inside at the onset of cold weather.

Adromischus cristatus Crinkle Leaf Plant Temperature for Care

Adromischus cristatus origins in South Africa. Because they are native to hot climates, Adromischus prefer hot weather over cold weather.

However, this succulent plant has shown no special difficulties in adapting, and some types can resist brief frosts. Succulents, on the other hand, thrive in temps about 20°C.

Watering Adromischus cristatus Care

Watering Adromischus cristatus. Like many other succulent plants, this Crinkle Leaf Plant only needs a little water.

In spring and summer once every seven to ten days and during winter, watering should be reduced to once or twice a month.

The amount of water to be distributed should generally wet the whole soil evenly but without stagnation. Watering Crinkle Leaf Plant must be direct to the soil.

Adromischus cristatus Care Adromischus cristatus propagation
Adromischus cristatus Care – Fertilization of the Crinkle Leaf Plant is usually required once or twice a year, in the dosages advised by the product. You can prepare fertilizers for succulents at home or replace all or part of the soil in your pot to replenish all the soil nutrients.

Adromischus cristatus Fertilization

There are commercially available fertilizers intended particularly for succulent plants which are absolutely enough for the Crinkle Leaf Plant. Fertilization of the Crinkle Leaf Plant is usually required once or twice a year, in the dosages advised by the product.

As it is a small succulent that will not grow much, instead of buying commercial fertilizers you can prepare fertilizers for succulents at home by reading the article we leave you.

Or you can replace all or part of the soil in your pot, with a high-quality commercial succulent mix like this recommended one. This way you will replenish all the nutrients that are washed out of the soil and there will be no nutritional deficiencies in your plants.

Repotting Adromischus cristatus

Adromischus species grow slowly. Repotting should be done only when the size of the plant outgrows the container, which is rare for an Adromischus.


Mealybugs can attack Adromischus cristatus due to overwatering.

Adromischus cristatus Propagation

Let’s review step by step how to propagate Adromischus cristatus by leaf cuttings

  1. Prepare a pot for Adromischus with the appropriate substrate.
  2. The optimal substrate for the Crinkle Leaf Plant is soil made up of dry leaves and peat, with a small amount of sand. This substrate will prevent harmful stagnation and improve drainage.
  3. To propagate the Crinkle Leaf Plant, just cut a healthy leaf with a sharp knife that has been sterilized before use.
  4. After that, wait a few days before moving the wound to the soil.
  5. Place the leaf cut from the mother plant in a container with succulent soil after a few days, and use gravel on the edges of the leaf to help it keep its erect position.
  6. Only the cut end of the leaf should come into touch with the earth; otherwise, the leaf will soon perish if it comes into contact with damp soil.

It is recommended that the pot be placed in a favorable area with access to light for Adromischus cristatus propagation. They respond well to extreme light conditions, drafts, and temperature changes. However, excessive heat exposure is not recommended. They can be relocated to a cooler spot throughout the summer.

The Crinkle Leaf Plant does not require a lot of water. As a result, this Adromischus leaf, which has yet to establish roots, will not require much water.

It is critical not to overwater Adromischus cristatus propagation, as it will quickly decay.

Key Lime Pie Plant Adromischus Cristatus | Succulent Care| 4'' + Clay Pot |
  • Adromischus Cristatus, also known as 'Key Lime Pie' or 'Crinkle Leaf Plant' is a crinkled pale-green succulent native to South Africa. It has plump, fan-shaped leaves with crinkled edges that turn in a reddish shade under bright light, and can produce a bunch of thin, long stalk of tubular flowers in Spring and early Summer.
  • Each package contains one cute and healthy 4-inches Key Lime Pie Adromischus that will be meticulously bubble-wrapped and shipped in a sturdy box to guarantee its safe arrival.
  • A cute and easy to grow succulent perfect for beginners, and excellent for brightly lit spots like in a windowsill or atrium
Adromischus cristatus Crinkle Leaf Plant care propagation
How to propagate Adromischus cristatus by leaf cuttingsCrinkle Leaf Plant Propagation

About Julia Morgan

Julia Morgan is an agronomist and a master gardener. In her previous roles, Julia was an advisor promoting large-scale food growing in urbanized areas, introducing the concept of chemical-free produce. She is an expert in putting her hands in the soil, developing organic foods, and improving production processes for decades. Julia is a natural teacher and encourages every person in her way to grow their own food. She split her days between writing and reviewing for The Garden Style Website and offering assessments to cure edible land. Julia enjoys connecting with The Garden Style Community.

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