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How to Get an Orchid to Bloom Again – Guide

In this article, we will explain how to get an orchid to bloom again. Sometimes we can’t get our orchid to bloom again but here you will learn how to solve this problem.

Orchids are a whole genus of beautiful flowering plants, highly valued ornamentally precisely because of the great variety in the shapes and colors of their flowers, all of them of great beauty. Currently, there are more than 25,000 species and 60,000 hybrids due to their great success and popularity, although many enthusiasts encounter problems when it comes to enjoying the flowering of their orchids, and it is necessary to know well what care they need for their flowers to appear and shine in all their splendor.

How Long Does It Take for Orchids to Bloom

To achieve the first flowering of orchids is not particularly difficult, since it is enough that the plant has supplied its basic needs of water, light, and nutrients. How long does it take for this first flowering to appear? It depends on the variety and the specific circumstances, but in the case of, for example, the Phalaenopsis, one of the most common to acquire, it can take up to 3 or 4 years from germination.

The first blooms will always be poorer and smaller, and large and beautiful flowers will not be obtained until at least three seasons later. If we add to this that some species or later varieties need up to 8 years to bloom, we will understand why they are expensive flowers.

How do I know if my orchid will bloom then? The best thing to do in this case is to provide the plant with all its needs and to be attentive to the birth of an orchid’s flowering stem and its consequent flower buds, which are the only unequivocal sign that the plant is preparing to bloom.

how long does take for orchids to bloom

When Orchids Bloom?

In their natural habitat, in tropical areas, orchids can bloom up to three times a year. However, this only occurs in such climates, where the seasons are not very marked and there are no significant temperature changes.

If you do not live in a tropical climate zone, your orchid will bloom only once a year, almost always in the spring. In the northern hemisphere, this will normally occur from the end of March, although it will depend on the specific characteristics of the climate of the area.

How Long Do Orchid Flowers Last

When conditions are right, if we offer good care to this plant, the orchid bloom can last up to 3 months, being one of the longest-lasting ornamental flowering plants. Specifically, the flowers will last longer in a cool climate, while in a warmer climate the flowers will fade earlier.

how long do orchid flowers last

Care Of Orchids in Bloom

During flowering, the orchid’s needs are not greatly altered. These are the key points of care for the orchid in bloom:

Light: abundant and indirect or screened.

Location: protected from air currents and heat sources.

Temperature: always above 10ºC. Necessary vegetative period.

Watering: up to twice a week in the warm months, always without exceeding or flooding. Fortnightly in the cold months.

Humidity: it is necessary to spray water lightly on its leaves in dry environments or to place the plant on water and stones, without the roots touching the water.

Soil: very light and porous, preferably specific for epiphytes or orchids. Best Soil for Orchids.

Fertilizer: it is necessary to use specific fertilizer for orchids, the universal one can burn the roots. Learn more about How to Fertilize Orchids.

Learn more about How to Care for Orchid After Bloom.

How to Get an Orchid to Bloom Again

Getting orchids to re-bloom is the nightmare of many hobbyists, who sometimes give up and end up getting rid of the plant after the first bloom. However, these plants can still bloom. You just need to pay special attention to orchid care when the flowers fall off:

The first and most important thing is to know when to cut the orchid stems, that is, pruning. This should be done once the flowering is finished and as long as it has not developed any Keiki, i.e. a new small plant from the node of the flowering stem, a way to propagate orchids. If the cane has a node, cut above it or remove the cane directly, it is up to the gardener’s preference.

Give your orchid a lot of light after flowering, but always indirectly.

Give it specific fertilizers at the end of winter to prepare the plant for the new flowering (Order it here).

Let the plant notice seasonal temperature changes. If it does not feel the cold in winter, it will not enter the vegetative period and, without it, it will not flower again.

how to get an orchid to bloom again

Why Doesn’t an Orchid Bloom?

If you are still wondering: why doesn’t my orchid bloom, it is most likely due to one of the points explained above. Provide your plant with enough light and moisture without waterlogging, let it go dormant, and prune it properly after flowering, and it should bloom again the following spring. If this still does not happen, your plant is most likely affected by a disease or pest such as fungus or insects.

orchids potted

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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