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20 Beautiful Flowers Perfect for Your Balcony Garden

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Having a balcony garden is a delightful way to bring nature closer to home. Whether you have a sunny spot or a semi-shaded area, there’s a plethora of flowers that can flourish in containers. Here are 20 stunning flowers to brighten up your balcony, each with its plant type, light requirements, watering needs, flowering period, and a description to help you choose the perfect blooms for your space.

Best Flowers for Balconies

Are you ready to transform your balcony into a vibrant oasis bursting with color and life? In this comprehensive guide, we’ve curated a list of the top 20 flowers perfectly suited for balcony gardening, ensuring that even the smallest outdoor spaces can bloom with beauty. From the classic charm of petunias and geraniums to the delicate allure of lobelia and impatiens, we’ve handpicked a variety of flowers tailored to thrive in container gardens.

Each flower comes with essential details on light and watering requirements, ensuring that your balcony garden flourishes under your care. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, our selection covers a range of growing zones, making it accessible to all gardening enthusiasts. Let’s bring the beauty of nature right to your doorstep and create a balcony retreat you’ll love to escape to.

best flowers for balconies gardening guide


petunias in hanging basket
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Regularly keep the soil moist but not waterlogged
  • Flowering Period: Spring to frost
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 9-11

Petunias, an excellent choice among flowers for balcony gardening, offers a dazzling spectrum of vibrant colors, infusing your outdoor space with vivid vitality. With their graceful tendrils delicately draping over container edges, they orchestrate a captivating cascade, transforming your balcony into a picturesque oasis of floral beauty.


geranium flowers for balcony
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Moderate, allow the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 9-11

Geraniums grace balcony gardens with their vibrant clusters of flowers and fragrant foliage. Not only are they effortlessly maintained, but they also beckon butterflies with their irresistible charm, rendering them a cherished and enchanting embellishment to any outdoor sanctuary. Learn more about how to care for potted Geraniums.


marigolds in a balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Often, allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings
  • Flowering Period: Spring to frost
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 2-11

Marigolds are adored for their radiant, golden blooms that exude joy. These low-maintenance flowers not only brighten up balconies but also serve as natural pest repellents, making them an ideal choice for those seeking to deter unwanted insects while enhancing the beauty of their outdoor space. Learn more about how to grow Marigolds.


lantana flowers for balcony
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Light: Sunny to semi-shaded location
  • Watering: It is extremely drought tolerant when mature but needs deep watering, which lets the soil dry out between waterings.
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 8-11

Lantanas, a versatile choice among flowers for balconies, boast clusters of tiny, colorful flowers that allure butterflies and hummingbirds. Flourishing in both sunny and partially shaded areas, they effortlessly enhance the beauty of any balcony garden. Learn more about how to propagate Lantana.


verbena flowers for balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil evenly moist
  • Flowering Period: Late spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 7-10

Verbena blooms abundantly in vibrant hues, serving as an excellent magnet for pollinators such as butterflies and bees. It stands as an ideal selection for containers or hanging baskets adorning sunny balconies, offering both beauty and ecological benefits.


begonias in a balcony
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Light: Sunny to semi-shaded location
  • Watering: Regularly, but avoid overwatering
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 6-11

Begonias presents a rich spectrum of colors and textures, ranging from delicate trailing varieties to striking, upright blooms. Flourishing in containers, they effortlessly infuse a touch of elegance into your balcony garden, making a statement with their beauty and grace.


calibrachoa flowers potted in a balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Spring to frost
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 9-11

Calibrachoa, also known as Million Bells, produces an abundance of small, petunia-like flowers in a wide array of colors. They are perfect for hanging baskets or containers, cascading gracefully over the edges.


potted salvia balcony
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Moderate, allow the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Flowering Period: Summer to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 5-10

Salvia’s vibrant flower spikes inject vertical interest into balcony gardens, captivating the eye with their striking allure. Once established, they exhibit remarkable drought tolerance and become magnets for pollinators, cementing their status as a beloved choice among gardeners.


narsturtium potted balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Late spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 2-11

Nasturtiums are esteemed for their edible flowers and peppery foliage, offering both culinary and aesthetic delights. Flourishing in containers, they inject a cheerful, whimsical touch into balconies with their vibrant blooms, creating an enchanting atmosphere for all to enjoy.


portulaca flowers for balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Low, allow the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Flowering Period: Summer to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 2-11

Portulacas, commonly known as moss roses, yield vibrant, cup-shaped flowers that unfurl in the sunlight. Renowned for their drought tolerance, they are perfect choices for balconies, thriving mainly in hot, sunny environments where other plants may falter.


snapdragons in a balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Late spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 4-10

Snapdragons are renowned for their distinctive snap-like flowers, which come in a variety of colors, adding vibrancy to any balcony garden. Not only do they provide vertical interest in containers, but they also serve as magnets for beneficial insects, enhancing the ecological balance of your outdoor space. Discover how to nurture vibrant snapdragons with our essential care guide.


potted dianthus
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Moderate, allow the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 3-9

Dianthus, affectionately known as pinks, showcases fragrant, fringed flowers in a delightful palette of pink, red, and white hues. Whether gracing borders or containers, they stand out for their enduring blooms, cherished for their longevity and captivating charm in any balcony setting.


alyssum in a balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Frequently, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 3-9

Alyssum’s delicate clusters of tiny flowers release a sweet fragrance, beckoning butterflies to your balcony garden. Their low-growing, trailing habit makes them perfect for edging containers or filling in gaps, adding a touch of charm and allure to any outdoor space.


cosmos flower in a balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Moderate, allow the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Flowering Period: Summer to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 2-11

Cosmos boasts daisy-like flowers in shades of pink, white, and orange, adding a touch of whimsy to balcony gardens. They are drought-tolerant and attract pollinators, making them a popular choice for container gardens.


fuchsia for balcony
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Light: Sunny to semi-shaded location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 9-11

Fuchsias are renowned for their pendulous, bell-shaped flowers in vibrant hues. They thrive in hanging baskets or containers and bring a touch of elegance to shaded balconies with their graceful blooms. One of the things I like the most about fuchsias is the way they attract hummingbirds. Explore the enchanting world of Fuchsia magellanica and its stunning varieties in our comprehensive guide!


dahlia flowers for balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual or Perennial (depending on variety)
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Young dahlia plants do not require much water. Then, water deeply and regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Summer to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 8-11

Dahlias offer a stunning array of colors and flower forms, from petite pompons to dinner plate-sized blooms. They are perfect for adding drama and color to balcony gardens, whether grown in containers or on the ground. Learn more about how to grow Dahlias.


zinnia flower potted
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny location
  • Watering: Although zinnias are very drought tolerant, it is best to water them regularly, allow the soil to dry out between waterings
  • Flowering Period: Summer to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 2-11

Zinnias are beloved for their vibrant, daisy-like flowers that come in a rainbow of colors. They are easy to grow from seed and attract butterflies, making them a delightful addition to any balcony garden. Learn more about how to grow Zinnias from seed.


lobelia for balconies
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Sunny to semi-shaded location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 2-11

Lobelia’s delicate, cascading flowers add a splash of blue, purple, or white to balcony gardens. They are perfect for trailing over the edges of containers or hanging baskets, creating a charming cascade effect.


impatiens in planters
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Semi-shaded location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Spring to fall
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 10-11

Impatiens thrive in shady balconies, brightening up dimly lit corners with their colorful blooms. They are low-maintenance and come in a variety of hues, making them a versatile choice for container gardens.


coleus for balcony
  • Plant Type: Annual
  • Light: Semi-shaded location
  • Watering: Regularly, keep the soil consistently moist
  • Flowering Period: Typically grown for foliage
  • Suggested Hardiness Zones: 10-11

Coleus is prized for its vibrant, colorful foliage, making it a standout in shaded balconies. While it’s primarily grown for its leaves rather than flowers, it adds texture and interest to container gardens with its striking patterns and hues. Learn more about how to care for the Coleus plant.

With these 20 stunning flowers, you can create a balcony garden that bursts with color and life throughout the seasons. Whether you have a sunny spot or a semi-shaded nook, there’s a flower to suit every balcony garden’s needs and preferences. So roll up your sleeves, get your gardening gloves on, and start creating your own little slice of paradise right outside your door.

Recommended reading: 20 Easy Flowers to Grow in Pots for Long-lasting Garden Blooms

flowers for balconies ideas

Flowers for the Balcony Chart

Here’s a table showcasing the plants along with their respective plant types, light requirements, and blooming time:

PlantPlant TypeLightBlooming Time
PetuniaAnnualSunny locationSpring to frost
GeraniumPerennialSunny locationSpring to fall
MarigoldAnnualSunny locationSpring to frost
LantanaPerennialSunny to semi-shadedSpring to fall
VerbenaAnnualSunny locationLate spring to fall
BegoniaPerennialSunny to semi-shadedSpring to fall
CalibrachoaAnnualSunny locationSpring to frost
SalviaPerennialSunny locationSummer to fall
NasturtiumAnnualSunny locationLate spring to fall
PortulacaAnnualSunny locationSummer to fall
SnapdragonAnnualSunny locationLate spring to fall
DianthusPerennialSunny locationSpring to fall
AlyssumAnnualSunny locationSpring to fall
CosmosAnnualSunny locationSummer to fall
FuchsiaPerennialSunny to semi-shadedSpring to fall
DahliaAnnual/PerennialSunny locationSummer to fall
ZinniaAnnualSunny locationSummer to fall
LobeliaAnnualSunny to semi-shadedSpring to fall
ImpatiensAnnualSemi-shaded locationSpring to fall
ColeusAnnualSemi-shaded locationTypically grown for foliage

Recommended reading: How to Start a Cut Flower Garden: Plan and Layout

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20 best flowers for balcony tips and blooming

flowers for the balcony

Selecting the Ideal Containers for Your Balcony Flowers

When it comes to creating a flourishing balcony garden, selecting the right containers is just as important as choosing the perfect flowers. The containers you choose not only impact the aesthetics of your space but also play a crucial role in the health and growth of your plants. Here are some popular types of containers and pots to consider for your balcony:

Terracotta Pots: Classic and timeless, terracotta pots add a touch of rustic charm to any balcony garden. They are durable, breathable, and provide excellent drainage for your plants. However, they can dry out quickly, so be mindful of watering frequency, especially during hot weather.

Plastic Pots: Lightweight and affordable, plastic pots come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, making them versatile options for balcony gardening. They retain moisture well and are easy to move around, but they may not offer the same aesthetic appeal as other materials.

Fiberglass Pots: Sleek and modern, fiberglass pots are lightweight yet durable, making them perfect for balconies with weight restrictions. They come in a range of finishes, from matte to glossy, and provide excellent insulation for plant roots. However, they can be more expensive than other options.

Wooden Crates or Boxes: For a rustic and eco-friendly look, consider using wooden crates or boxes as planters on your balcony. They add warmth and character to your space and can be easily customized to fit your balcony’s aesthetic. Make sure to line them with plastic or insert a liner to prevent rotting.

Hanging Baskets: Ideal for balconies with limited floor space, hanging baskets allow you to elevate your flowers and maximize vertical space. They come in various materials, such as wire, plastic, or woven wicker, and can be filled with trailing or cascading plants for a stunning display.

Vertical Planters: If you’re short on space but still want to enjoy a lush garden, vertical planters are the way to go. These innovative containers attach to walls or railings, allowing you to grow a variety of flowers and herbs vertically. They come in different designs, including pocket-style planters or modular systems.

When choosing containers for your balcony garden, consider factors such as size, material, drainage, and aesthetics. Mix and match different types of containers to create visual interest and accommodate the needs of your plants. With the right containers, you can transform your balcony into a vibrant oasis of color and beauty.

LaLaGreen Railing Planters for Balcony Garden (2 Pack, 20 Inch) Self Watering Black Balcony Flower Boxes Over The Rail with Brackets, Rectangular Hanging Deck Planters Outdoor with Rattan Pattern
  • 2-PACK SET: 20 Inch, each set come with one outer planter, one inner planter and one water level indicator, please check listing image and video for more details. Pick the right size for your plants to prevent unpleasant experience and potential wastage on resources

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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