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How and When to Harvest Black Magic Kale

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Black magic kale is a new variety of black kale with a more uniform, darker, narrower black color. It has a much more consistent leaf texture than traditional kale. The plant has a rosette shape that makes it easier to harvest. Learn how and when to harvest black magic kale.

Black magic kale has been selected for its good cold tolerance, as it is resistant to cold leaf injury. It is perfect for adult leaf harvests as well as for baby leaves because its color and texture develop in young leaves. Continue reading to find out how and when to harvest black magic kale.

When to Harvest Black Magic Kale

When to Harvest Black Magic Kale? Black magic kale can be harvested at any time during the kale’s growth. Normally, black magic kale reaches its maximum growth in about 60 days, but you can harvest black magic kale leaves at any time.  You can grow black magic kale year-round if you live in areas where winter is not too harsh. Black magic kale is frost resistant.

The best time to harvest black magic kale leaves is when the kale leaves are young (6” or less (15 cm or less long) for their excellent flavor and texture. Also, you can let the leaves of the black magic kale grow and ripen further to prepare gourmet dishes.

The cold weather makes the leaves of the black magic kale taste a little sweeter. If you prefer sweeter black magic kale, let them grow until the first cold weather of autumn.

So, when to harvest black magic kale? When to harvest black magic kale is a personal decision, you can either harvest the young leaves or wait and harvest large, mature black magic kale leaves.

when to harvest black magic kale
When to Pick Black Magic Kale? You can pick black magic kale at any time during the growth of the plant.

How to Harvest Black Magic Kale

How to Harvest Black Magic Kale? You can harvest the young leaves of black magic kale or let them fully mature and harvest larger leaves. To harvest black magic kale leaves, use a sharp, disinfected knife to make a perfect cut and not damage the plant.

If you are going to constantly harvest the young leaves of the black magic kale, it is best to harvest the outer leaves first which are the oldest and leave the center leaves for the black magic kale to continue to develop.

On the other hand, if you are going to let the leaves of the black magic kale grow long enough let them grow for up to 60 days, and then you can cut them at ground level with a sharp, disinfected knife.

Regardless, of the type of leaf you pick in black magic kale, always use sharp, sanitized tools to make a perfect cut. If you have several black magic kale plants in your garden, you can use some to harvest young leaves and other plants to let the leaves grow as long as possible.

How to Store Black Magic Kale

How to Store Black Magic Kale? Once you harvest the black magic kale, you can store it in a perforated plastic bag or paper bag in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. I recommend only washing the black magic kale before consuming, it and not washing and storing it in the refrigerator. If you wash the black magic kale and store it in the refrigerator, the leaves will deteriorate faster.

Also, you can store black magic kale in the freezer for up to a year. Before doing so, blanch the black magic kale, then drain and squeeze out all the water. Store black magic kale in freezer bags for up to one year. Use black magic kale in soups or smoothies.

how to store black magic kale
How to Store Black Magic Kale? Black magic kale can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Final Conclusions

The leaves of black magic kale can be consumed and harvested at any time during the growth of the plant. Choose whether you prefer to consume young leaves or more mature black magic kale leaves.

I hope you find this article about how and when to plant black magic kale very useful and have an excellent harvest. I recommend our article about how to grow kale.

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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