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How to Care for Potted Hydrangeas Outdoors

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It is certainly not an easy task to grow Potted Hydrangeas Outdoors, and we must be very clear about this. Hydrangeas are a plant that does not tolerate well the interior and those that we acquire coming from greenhouses need a process of acclimatization to get used to the outside. Surely many people will have known both painful experiences. But finally, you can have beautiful pot-grown hydrangeas as long as you follow a series of guidelines. Here are some tips on How to Care for Potted Hydrangeas Outdoors.

How to Care for Potted Hydrangeas Outdoors

The first factor to take for the care of potted hydrangeas outdoors is the location. Most of the hydrangeas will do very well in the mild morning sun, but from midday onwards, they will be better in the shade. So, we must look for a suitable place that meets this condition or change the site.

Not only for this reason but for example to enhance a certain space in your garden or patio, for example, it will be important a correct choice of pots for hydrangeas. A pot with wheels or a similar device that can be attached to it will make it easier to move. Hydrangeas are large plants that require large pots and in the end, are quite heavy.

Hydrangeas wilt quickly if they do not have enough space. The appropriate pots for hydrangeas are those of 18″- 20″ (45-50 cm) in diameter so that they have enough substrate to thrive. Potted for hydrangeas outside must have drainage holes because hydrangeas do not tolerate waterlogging.

This is a golden rule for all types of plants and is essential in the case of hydrangeas. We will choose the most suitable variety for the climate of the place where we live.

Plant the hydrangea at the same level as it came in its pot when purchased, no more profound or shallower, and leave enough space at the top of the pot for abundant watering. The potted hydrangeas need a substrate very rich in organic matter. The substrate should be well compacted so that there are no air pockets.

how to care for potted hydrangeas outdoors
How to care for potted hydrangeas outdoors? The most important thing for potted hydrangeas outdoors is the location. A correct location will allow an excellent development of the hydrangea.

When Should I Plant Potted Hydrangeas?

The potted hydrangeas you can buy at your local garden store will most likely have been growing outdoors in a pot. The right time to repot a potted hydrangea to soil is in autumn, when flowering is over and after a good pruning of the plant has been done. To obtain good results in this task, you should take into account the following considerations:

  • Although it is not always possible, try to buy your hydrangea in the flowering season, this will allow you to see how lush the plant is.
  • Plant hydrangeas in the fall whenever possible. Especially avoid spring, winter when frosts can still arrive, and the hottest summer months.
  • After planting a hydrangea, you will need to care for it and monitor it for some time. Do not plant your hydrangeas if you have to be away for a season.

Pruning Potted Hydrangeas Outdoors

Pruning is essential to keep the potted hydrangeas in a contained and aesthetic size. But it is necessary to investigate and be well-informed about how to prune potted hydrangeas outdoors is done in the different varieties of hydrangeas since some bloom on old stems and others on new ones. It is also necessary to know the best time of the year to prune each variety because, in case of error, the whole flowering of the following year is at stake.

After the flowering of the hydrangea, we must prune all its flowers and dry leaves to allow the correct development of the plant. Learn more about How to Prune Hydrangeas.

Potted Hydrangeas Outdoors Tips

You already know how to care for potted hydrangeas outdoors, now we will give you some very important tips to care for potted hydrangeas outdoors.

Watering is another essential point to care for potted hydrangeas outdoors. It is better to err a little on the side of under-watering than over-watering. When the upper part of the substrate, 1″ (2.5 cm) or so, is dry, it is time to water.

Potted hydrangeas do not need much fertilization; in any case, we will only add some slow-release fertilizer or cured manure a couple of times a year. Certainly, never fertilize potted hydrangeas after summer if you live in a warm climate. In cool climates, you can only fertilize potted hydrangeas once a year in early summer. We should not fertilize the plant if we perceive any symptom of disease, it is better to clarify before the origin of this one.

When the flowers begin to fade, they should be cut to encourage new flowering. Finally, it should be noted that success in growing hydrangeas in pots is based on the correct choice of variety. Dwarf hydrangea varieties include Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Lime’; Hydrangea paniculata ‘Bombshell’; Hydrangea paniculata ‘Little Quick Fire’; Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mini Penny’; Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Buttons ‘n Bows’. They all reach a similar height, between 35″ and 71″ (90 -180 cm), but vary only in the color of their flowers and their different adaptability to different climates.

Learn more about How to Care for Hydrangea.

Learn more about How to Change Colors of Hydrangea.

potted hydrangea
Potted Hydrangea at Home.

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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