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Homemade Rooting Hormone

The rooting hormones and natural plant hormones serve to multiply a plant by cuttings, or also as a stimulant in already constituted plants, poor in roots. With the application of these ecological and organic bio-inputs, we will obtain great benefits in the different stages of the crops. Learn how to prepare homemade rooting hormone. Learn about natural rooting hormones in this post. DIY rooting hormone with lentils, black beans, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar, aspirin, etc.

What is a Natural Plant Rooter?

What is a Natural Rooting Hormone? When making cuttings, or trying to save a plant that has been left with a very weakened root system, it is convenient to use some rooting product, that is, one that stimulates the growth of new roots. As such there are several types, which can be classified according to their origin: chemical or natural.

While the first ones are made with synthetic phytohormones, the second ones come from natural plants, which release phytohormones in charge of stimulating the sprouting of new roots.

There are many homemade rooting hormones and natural rooting hormones, such as those we will show you below:

Homemade Rooting Hormone with Lentils

Homemade Rooting Hormone with Lentils. Lentils have a high concentration of auxin, which is a plant hormone that regulates plant growth. With lentils, you can prepare a natural rooting hormone as demonstrated by scientific sources (check out the Pubmed article here)

  1. Soak 0.22 lb. (100 grams) of lentil seeds in 0.26 Gallon (1 liter) of water for a few hours.
  2. Remove the water that we reserved and cover the wet seeds with a cloth to maintain their moisture and avoid light.
  3. The next day adds the reserved water again and after leaving it submerged for a few minutes, filter the water again, reserve it and cover the lentil seeds so that they can continue their germination phase.
  4. Repeat this action every day until the seeds germinate and their roots grow a little.
  5. During these repetitions, add a little water to replace the evaporated water.
  6. Crush the whole (water plus the germinated lentil seeds) until a paste is created. Filter and we already have the rooting liquid.
homemade rooting hormone lentils DIY rooting hormone with Lentils
Homemade Rooting Hormone – DIY rooting hormone with Lentils. Lentils have a high concentration of auxin, which is a plant hormone that regulates plant growth and is one of the natural rooting hormones we have on our list.

Homemade Rooting Hormone Cinnamon

Homemade Rooting Hormone Cinnamon. Cinnamon, the homemade rooting hormone is also a very effective root stimulant.

Prepare Homemade Rooting Hormone Cinnamon following these steps.

  1. To do this we put about 0.04 lb. – 0.06 lb. (20 – 30 grams) of cinnamon in a 0.26 Gallon (1 liter) of water and let it rest for an hour.
  2. After this time, we will proceed to its filtration and we will be able to reserve it for some days for its use.
  3. To enjoy its benefits, simply sprinkle a little on the substrate and water.
homemade rooting hormone cinnamon  root stimulant
Homemade Rooting Hormone Cinnamon – Cinnamon is a very effective root stimulant.

Homemade Rooting Hormone with Black Beans

Homemade Rooting Hormone with Black Beans. Beans are also good natural rooters. This is because it is the same as with lentils: they are rich in auxin.

  1. Put the beans in a container with 0.26 Gallon (1 liter) of water, and then leave it covered for 8 to 10 hours.
  2. Then, you have to strain it and store only the liquid part. With the container that still contains the beans, you only have to cover it and leave it like that for a day.
  3. After 24 hours, you will pour the water you have stored into the container of beans, and leave it for 10-15 minutes. And, again, you will strain it to store the water.
  4. Then you will put the lid back on the container of beans, which will remain there for one day.
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until most of the beans have germinated (this will happen after another 3-4 days).
  6. Then, you have to beat the beans with a mixer. These will be used to throw them into the composting machine, accelerating their composting.
  7. Next, you have to pour 50% of the water you have been using and 50% of the new water into a new container.
  8. Finally, every time you want to use it, you should reduce it more, as it is very concentrated. The proportion will be 1 part of rooting water to 5 parts of clean water.
rooting hormones black beans DIY Homemade Rooting Hormone with Black Beans  natural rooters
Homemade Rooting Hormone with Black Beans – Black Beans are rich in auxins, therefore, they are good natural rooters.

Homemade Rooting Hormone Apple Cider Vinegar

Homemade Rooting Hormone Apple Cider Vinegar. Vinegar is a food that we use a lot for cooking, but it will also be useful as a rooting agent.

However, it is very important not to put more than the necessary amount, since by being so concentrated instead of making it take root, what would happen would be that it would be spoiled.

Therefore, do not add more than a small spoonful of apple vinegar for each 0.26 Gallon (1 liter) of water. This will be more than enough for your plants to produce new roots.

hormone vinager
Homemade Root Hormone Apple Cider Vinegar. Vinegar is a food that we use a lot for cooking, but it will also be useful as a rooting agent.

Homemade Rooting Hormone Aspirin (Aspirin as Rooting Hormone)

Aspirin rooting hormone. If you have aspirin at home that has expired or is about to expire, you have the option of using it as a medication for those plants that, for whatever reason, are weakened and/or have few roots.

You only have to dissolve an aspirin in a glass with a little water, and once it has dissolved, pour the resulting liquid into the pot that holds the plant. Another option is to introduce a cutting that has not yet begun to take root in that glass for an hour.

rooting hormones aspirin Aspirin as Rooting Hormone
Aspirin as Rooting Hormone

When to Add the Rooting Agent to the Plants?

The rooting agent should be used when you have a cutting, but it is also highly recommended when the roots of a plant have been manipulated a lot (during a transplant, for example), or they have suffered damage by pruning or other reasons. Anyway, even if it is healthy, it is not wrong to water it with rooting hormones from time to time, since this will make it grow with better health and greater strength.

I hope that this guide about homemade rooting hormones and natural rooting hormones is very useful for your plants.

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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