How Often to Water Eggplant

how often to water eggplant guide

Proper watering is one of the fundamental factors for successful eggplant cultivation. In this article, I will explain how often to water eggplant and give you many more tips to get the best eggplant. Before getting into eggplant watering frequency, it is essential to know the water needs of eggplants. Eggplants thrive in well-drained soils

Pumpkin Leaves Turning Yellow: How to Fix It

pumpkin leaves turning yellow

There’s nothing like the satisfaction of growing your pumpkins and reaping the rewards of homegrown produce. However, during growth, there are different situations in which you suddenly may find pumpkin leaves turning yellow, and the plant begins to deteriorate. This yellowing-leaves process can be reversed if detected in time and can also be prevented. When

When to Pick Poblano Peppers

when to pick poblano peppers guide

Poblano peppers fall into the lower range of spiciness on the Scoville scale, with a heat level between 1,000 and 2,000 Scoville heat units (SHU). However, despite their mild taste, do not underestimate their popularity. It is originally from the state of Puebla, Mexico. The people of Puebla are known as Poblanos, like these famous

When to Pick Ghost Peppers

when to pick ghost peppers guide

Ghost peppers are the hottest peppers in the world. Ghost peppers are twice as hot as the previous “champion”, the Red Savina peppers. This variant reaches Scoville Heat Units of 800,000 to 1001300. One drop of this pepper extract needs a million drops of water, so the spiciness does not go unnoticed. Continue reading to

Advantages Of Drip Irrigation Systems

advantages of drip irrigation systems

Water is a vital resource for the planet. All biological processes depend on it, including human and plant life. It is a scarce resource, so it must be handled when watering plants. The drip irrigation system has become one of the most important for its efficiency, not only for reaching directly to the root but

Fertilizer for Spinach: How and When to Fertilize

fertilizer for spinach how and when to fertilize

The only way to get excellent quality spinach is through soil nutrients during growth. You must fertilize the soil properly to encourage spinach growth and development if you want quality spinach. It is essential to prepare the soil before planting spinach. In this article, I will explain everything about fertilizer for spinach. Spinach grows in

How Far Apart to Plant Zucchini

how far apart to plant zucchini

You probably want to plant zucchini, but before planting the zucchini, you have the following question: How far apart to plant zucchini? Don’t worry in this article I will explain how far you should plant zucchini whether you grow zucchini in raised beds, trellis, or cages. With a few zucchini plants you can obtain many

How to Grow Black from Tula Tomatoes & Harvest

how to grow black from tula tomatoes harvest

Black from Tula tomato is a very tasty heirloom tomato. This variety of abundant foliage offers fruits of 7 to 14 ounces (200 to 400 g), slightly flattened and more or less ribbed, dark red with green spots on the top. Continue reading to learn how to grow black from Tula tomatoes. Black from Tula

What Vegetables Grow on A Trellis – Climbing Vegetables

what vegetables grow on a trellis climbing vegetables

Using trellises saves space and helps to avoid pests and diseases. Also using trellis makes harvesting easier. What vegetables grow on a trellis? Several vegetables grow perfectly on a trellis and in this article, I will recommend you the best climbing vegetables. There are different trellis that can be used with vegetables, some are better