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How to Grow Clematis – Ultimate Guide

Clematis are generally deciduous climbers (although there are also some evergreen varieties). It is not the stems but the leaf petioles that are rolled up, so it is essential to provide them with adequate support (trellis, wire fences, etc…). Most varieties are resistant to frost. Learn all about how to grow Clematis in this article.

There are varieties that flower in almost all months of the year. Clematis are divided into three groups according to when this flowering occurs and their growth habits, they should be applied to one type of pruning or another.

Both the second and third groups take years to become leafy climbers and are rather companion plants because on their own they are weak and do not cover the walls. Not so the first one that forms in a relatively short time, great masses of vegetation and that it is necessary to think well the place where we locate them because they need a lot of space.

Clematis Requirements

They require moist, cool, and rich soil, rather than acid. They are plants that need sun, but they do not do well in places where they receive too many hours of sun and this sun is scorching. The ideal place for clematis is on the east or west-facing facades.

I don’t know if this is a general problem, but when I grew my clematis in my previous garden, I noticed that they tended to lack iron. Perhaps this problem was due to the type of soil I had in the garden (quite clayey). I don’t know. Periodically I added iron chelates and that solved the problem (Order it here). In this new garden, the soil tends to a certain degree of acidity so it is possible that I will not have this problem.

Carl Pool Iron Chelate 1 Lb - Water Soluble Fertilizers
  • Feeds Through Roots and Leaves
  • Easy to Use, Just Add Water
  • Effective in Reducing Chlorosis in Plants and Turf
clematis requiriments

Location for Grow Clematis

Before you grow Clematis you must choose the right location. I have chosen for the Clematis a location where it will receive morning and some afternoon sun but no midday sun. At its base, an Abelia and other plants will shade the soil surrounding its root ball so this area will not overheat.

We will need a shovel, hand pruner, gloves, acid soil or normal soil and for the moment a couple of stakes and some plastic ties if we do not have a trellis or other type of support installed on the wall where the clematis will go.


How to Grow Clematis Step by Step

Extract the plant from the pot where it is located and measure the depth of the root ball. We take advantage of this moment to eliminate any damaged or broken stems, dry leaves, etc.

We will make a good hole that is much larger in diameter than the diameter of the pot.

Before starting to place the soil we introduce the plant in the hole to check that it fits widely and to see how high it is.

As far as the depth is concerned, we must think that we must have a height to put some soil at the bottom of the hole, room for the root ball itself, and at least 6” (15 cm) above the level of the root ball until reaching the level of the soil of our garden.

It is necessary to bear in mind that whenever we plant a plant near a wall or wall it is not advisable to do it too close to it because in this area the soil is almost always quite dry and with few nutrients.

how to grow clematis step by step

Once we are sure that we have the right dimensions we begin to put a base of the soil before putting the plant in place (I have used acid soil) thick enough so that the roots as soon as they begin to spread, do it in suitable soil and not directly in the soil of the garden.

We will add soil around the root ball that we will compact a little. When the hole is half full, water a little so that the soil is wet in-depth and wait for the water to be absorbed by the soil.

We continue filling with soil until we reach the level of the garden soil and compact the soil well around the plants. Finally, once the soil is well settled, we nail a stake and tie the plant to it if we do not have a trellis or other type of support on the wall for the plant to hold on to.

Where to Buy Clematis?

If you still don’t have your Clematis here is where you should get a quality Clematis. This way you will be able to see your Clematis growing in the garden.

Sweet Summer Love (Clematis) Live Shrub, Red-Purple Flowers, 1 Gallon
  • 10-15 ft. tall and 6-10 ft. wide at maturity
  • Partial to full sun (4+ hours) required
  • Hardy in zones 4-9, be sure to check your USDA zone to ensure success

We hope that this article on how to grow Clematis will be very useful and that you will soon have this beautiful plant in your garden.

where to buy clematis

About Henry Morgan

Henry Morgan is an agronomist horticulture founder of The Garden Style Company and The Garden Style Website. He previously worked for Mondelēz International as an Agronomist Engineer specializing in agricultural products management in highly populated areas. In 2000, Henry started working with farmer-producers in agricultural businesses selling wholesale fresh produce and retail plants in Van Buren, Arkansas. Nowadays, Henry lives in California, where he offers expert consulting services for organic vegetable gardening. As a science writer working with his wife, Julia, Henry shares his passion for gardening and farming, trying to reach and teach as many folks as possible.

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