How to Harvest Romaine Lettuce Without Killing the Plant

how to harvest romaine lettuce without killing the plant guide

Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Longifolia)grows quickly and tolerates hot climates better than other lettuce varieties. Another advantage of romaine lettuce is that it grows fast and can be harvested quickly for your meals. In this article, we will explain how to harvest romaine lettuce without killing the plant, so you can harvest it

How to Harvest Thyme Without Killing the Plant

how to harvest thyme without killing the plant guide

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a plant native to the Mediterranean. It is a small, aromatic herb that grows easily. Learn how to harvest thyme without killing the plant. Thyme is a perennial herb; you should be able to harvest thyme throughout the year if you live in a temperate climate zone. If where you live

How to Harvest Oregano Without Killing the Plant

how to harvest oregano without killing the plant guide

Oregano is one of the best aromatic herbs, native to the Mediterranean region. Harvesting oregano properly allows you to enjoy its flavorful leaves without harming the plant or needing to regrow. The best way to harvest oregano without killing the plant is to avoid cutting the stems too close to the base of the plant. If

How and When to Harvest Summer Squash

how and when to harvest summer squash

Summer squash grows fast and easy, a single plant can give you many summer squashes with ease. In this article, we will explain how and when to harvest summer squash to get the best flavor and performance in the orchard. If you don’t harvest the summer squash on time, it will be full of seeds

How to Harvest Dill Without Killing the Plant

how to harvest dill without killing the plant

Dill is a well-known herb used in several areas besides the culinary one since it is also used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Dill is very easy to grow and has a fast growth rate. However, when harvesting dill, cutting the herb without harming the plant is best. Harvesting dill properly allows you to

How to Harvest Parsley Without Killing the Plant

how to harvest parsley without killing the plant guide

Parsley is one of my favorite herbs to cook with and gives extra flavor to my meals. Like almost all herbs, parsley should be easily grown after harvesting. Discover how to harvest parsley without killing the plant, so you should have parsley all year long!!! Parsley comes from the Mediterranean; it is a biennial plant,

How to Harvest Chives Without Killing the Plant

how to harvest chives without killing the plant guide

Both flowers and leaves can be harvested from chives. In this article, we will explain how to harvest chives without killing the plant. We will also tell you how to promote the growth of chives to have an abundant harvest for longer. Chives are an easy-to-grow and maintain herb, and add a lot of flavors