How to Grow Catnip from Seed – Step by Step

how to grow catnip from seed step by step

Our cat Lucy loves catnip since we brought her home catnip for the first time she was delighted. That’s why in this article we will explain how to grow catnip from seed, all explained step by step. You will probably find catnip for sale, but we will explain how to grow it from seed, as

How to Propagate a Prayer Plant – Guide

how to propagate a prayer plant guide

The prayer plant is a plant highly valued for its foliage, which is found in a wide range of colors and patterns. It is also known for its habit of folding its leaves to keep them together at nightfall. One of the most popular species is Maranta leuconeura, which is grown indoors. Learn all about

How to Care for a Ponytail Palm – Ultimate Guide

ponytail palm care ultimate guide

It is one of the most unique ornamental houseplants and, precisely for this reason, enjoys a good number of fans among plant lovers. Striking and tropical in origin, the care of the ponytail palm or elephant’s foot (Beaucarnea recurvata) is not difficult if properly understood. It is an extremely long-lived plant that with proper care

Ponytail Palm Brown Tips – How to Revive

ponytail palm brown tips how to revive

Despite the ponytail palm or elephant’s foot (Beaucarnea recurvata) needing a low frequency of watering, sometimes the ponytail palm has dry brown tips. If this is your case, then follow these steps that I will explain on how to revive ponytail palm plant, and you will see that it will soon recover. Continue reading to

How to Prune Bonsai – Ultimate Guide

how to prune bonsai ultimate guide

How to prune bonsai, is an excellent idea, since this procedure should not be done lightly, it is important to take into account that bonsais have the particularity of being controlled in size by pruning their roots. However, it is essential the time or season in which it is done, they enter a resting stage

How to Care for a Pachira Aquatica – Ultimate Guide

pachira aquatica care

Money Tree is recognized by the scientific name of Pachira Aquatica, it is a tree native to the swampy areas of Mexico and the north of Brazil and Peru. Learn all about Pachira Aquatica care in this article. This sculptural plant has the peculiarity that its trunks can be braided as it grows and ends

Repot Orchid While Flowering Step by Step

repot orchid while flowering step by step

Orchids are some of the most elegant plants that are usually kept inside the home. But for them to grow well it is necessary that we change their pots from time to time, so on this occasion, I will tell you about repot orchid while flowering Finally, if we have just bought our orchid and

How to Repot Orchid Step by Step

how to repot orchid

When repotting an orchid, it is necessary to have a couple of basic skills to make the process successful. We are going to teach you how to repot orchid correctly, how and when to do it, the materials to use, and the steps. In addition, in this article, you will also learn the steps to

How to Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig – Step by Step

how to propagate fiddle leaf fig

Ficus lyrata, also known as fiddle leaf fig, was for many decades a standard houseplant due to the elegance of its shape and the exuberance of its large leathery leaves. That is why its cultivation has become very popular among lovers of interior decoration with ornamental plants. Learn all about How to Propagate Fiddle Leaf