How to Prune Hydrangeas – Guide

how to prune hydrangeas guide

How to Prune Hydrangeas is a trick question, Pruning Hydrangeas will keep their flowering every year. They are one of the most spectacular blooms of good weather. These acidic plants are not at all complicated to grow and, in addition, they give us their flowers continuously during practically all the summer months. However, we must

How To Grow Roses from Seeds – Ultimate Guide

how to grow roses from seeds ultimate guide

Roses can be multiplied in several ways. The safest and most reliable is rose cuttings, but another fun and the exciting formula is rose seeds. Learn all about how to grow roses from seeds. Many of the wild roses, the ones used for the rose patterns we buy at the nursery, are obtained from seeds.

How to Dry Lavender At Home

how to dry lavender at home

Lavender, with the scientific name Lavandula, is in fact a genus of aromatic plants that are highly prized both for its hardiness and for the pleasant scent that its characteristic bluish-colored inflorescences give off, used in a multitude of aromatic and cleaning products. Because lavender is an easy and beautiful plant to grow, many people

Blue Orchid – Characteristics and Meaning

blue orchid characteristics and meaning

The blue orchid is a spectacular plant. It has a very large and beautiful flower. The intense blue color of its flowers together with the green of its leaves make it very showy and make it an ideal plant to give as a gift. Many people compare them with roses, although they have nothing to

Yellow Orchid – Characteristics and Meaning

yellow orchid characteristics and meaning

The yellow orchid has a very special meaning. Its bright yellow color reminds us of sunlight. Color is full of hope and vitality. Without any doubt, the yellow orchid has a superstitious aspect. Today, there are still many people who are guided in life through the superstitions they have. Yellow Orchid Meaning The meaning of

How to Grow Aconite – Ultimate Guide

how to grow aconite ultimate guide

Aconite is a plant native to the Eurasian mountains. In some countries, it is planted as an ornamental plant because of its luxuriant flowering and beauty. Learn all about how to grow aconite in this article. However, its cultivation or any kind of home use is generally discouraged It is a very poisonous plant, the

Planting Daffodil Bulbs – Ultimate Guide

pictures of daffodil flowers gallery

One of the most attractive flowers to enjoy in spring is the Daffodil flower, also called Narcissus. With their different varieties of colors, Daffodil flowers have become a classic of garden landscaping. In this article, you will find the most complete guide about planting Daffodil bulbs, the meaning of Daffodil, and how to spread Daffodils

How to Grow Crocus – Ultimate Guide

how to grow crocus ultimate guide

Crocus is fall bulbs that are usually planted massively. The reason is very simple, planted in groups they offer a spectacle of flowering, but in solitary, they pass very unnoticed because they are very small plants, and with flowers according to their size. Learn all about how to grow Crocus in this article. Along with

How to Grow Freesia – Ultimate Guide

how to grow freesia ultimate guide

The wonderful thing about planting freesia bulbs in the garden is that early we will have a wonderful amount of fragrant flowers, announcing the beginning of spring. Learn all about how to grow freesia in this article. They are delicate, elegant, and subtly perfumed flowers, they are very appreciated as cut flowers, although they are

How to Grow Daylilies (Hemerocallis) – Guide

how to grow daylilies hemerocallis guide

The Daylilies, receive several very original vulgar names, such as Turkish lily, St. John’s lily, or morning flower. Learn all about how to grow Daylilies in this article. Although distantly related to the lilies, they do not belong to the lily family and therefore are neither lilies nor lilies. The common name that best fits